is there some known regression with gcc on armel?
(too old to reply)
Luca Olivetti
2021-08-19 07:10:01 UTC

I upgraded a test machine (buffalo linkstation pro/Marvell Orion5x) from
buster to bullseye, then I rebuilt the dspam[*] deb (since it's been
dropped by debian since buster, I did the same there).
The newly built binary doesn't start, complaining of a configuration
error, the binary built with buster still works.
I traced the execution with gdb and it doesn't make sense: a function is
called with a pointer to the configuration struct but inside the
function it is null.
I then recompiled it with -O0 instead of the default -O2 and this time
it works (will try later with -O1).
I'm not very familiar with gcc, so do you know of any regression with
gcc optimizations on armel (maybe with some other package needing
special optimization options)?
Note that I had to add the "-z muldefs" option to the linker, but I
don't think that's the problem (the null I saw wasn't a global variable
but a parameter).

[*] I know it's a dead project, but it still works and it is
surprisingly effective and lightweight on such an under powered machine.

Arnd Bergmann
2021-08-19 08:10:01 UTC
Post by Luca Olivetti
I upgraded a test machine (buffalo linkstation pro/Marvell Orion5x) from
buster to bullseye, then I rebuilt the dspam[*] deb (since it's been
dropped by debian since buster, I did the same there).
The newly built binary doesn't start, complaining of a configuration
error, the binary built with buster still works.
I traced the execution with gdb and it doesn't make sense: a function is
called with a pointer to the configuration struct but inside the
function it is null.
I then recompiled it with -O0 instead of the default -O2 and this time
it works (will try later with -O1).
I'm not very familiar with gcc, so do you know of any regression with
gcc optimizations on armel (maybe with some other package needing
special optimization options)?
Note that I had to add the "-z muldefs" option to the linker, but I
don't think that's the problem (the null I saw wasn't a global variable
but a parameter).
[*] I know it's a dead project, but it still works and it is
surprisingly effective and lightweight on such an under powered machine.
The old Marvell CPUs have a known bug when processing the ldrd/strd
instructions on misaligned pointers, which leads to incorrect data
instead of trapping into the kernel.

This only happens for incorrect source code that relies on undefined
behavior, accessing a pointer to a 64-bit 'long long' variable that is
not naturally aligned. This happens to work on most CPUs including
all x86 and armv6+, and mostly works on armv5 because the kernel
works around the undefined behavior by fixing up the load in an
exception handler.

openwrt actually carried a patch against gcc for this[1] in the past,
though with a misleading description (this is only a bug on Marvell
CPUs, not ARM926, and gcc doesn't seem to do anything it
shouldn't be allowed for correct source code).

To confirm that this is the actual problem, can you try building the
package using '-O2 -march=armv4t' or '-O2 -march=armv5t' to
override the default 'armv5te'?

Regarding the question why this showed up now, I can only guess,
probably a combination of multiple factors:

- CPU architectures such as ARMv5 without native unaligned
access are much less common than they used to be, as
the industry is converging on x86/armv6+/riscv, so bugs in
application source code don't get found as quickly as they
used to

- Any armel binaries from before the Debian Buster release were
built for ARMv4T rather than ARMv5TE, so they did not use ldrd/strd
at all.

- Newer GCC versions tend to find better optimizations, so they
may use LDRD/STRD when old versions did not.


[1] https://gitce.net/mirrors/openwrt/commit/b050f87d13b5dc7ed82feb9a90f4529de58bdf25
Luca Olivetti
2021-08-19 09:00:01 UTC
Post by Arnd Bergmann
To confirm that this is the actual problem, can you try building the
package using '-O2 -march=armv4t' or '-O2 -march=armv5t' to
override the default 'armv5te'?
With -march=armv5t it doesn't work (same failure), I'll try with armv4t.

FWIW this is the gdb session

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/luca/dspam/dspam-3.10.1+dfsg/src/.libs/dspam
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/libthread_db.so.1".

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbefff714) at dspam.c:196
196 if (apply_defaults(&ATX)) {
(gdb) step
apply_defaults (ATX=0xbeffe758) at agent_shared.c:587
587 int apply_defaults(AGENT_CTX *ATX) {
(gdb) step
591 if (!(ATX->flags & DAF_FIXED_TR_MODE)) {
(gdb) step
592 char *v = _ds_read_attribute(agent_config, "TrainingMode");
(gdb) print agent_config
$1 = (config_t) 0x43fb98
(gdb) step
_ds_read_attribute (config=0x0, key=0x417f04 "TrainingMode") at
132 attribute_t attr = _ds_find_attribute(config, key);

Luca Olivetti
2021-08-19 09:50:02 UTC
Post by Luca Olivetti
Post by Arnd Bergmann
To confirm that this is the actual problem, can you try building the
package using '-O2 -march=armv4t' or '-O2 -march=armv5t' to
override the default 'armv5te'?
With -march=armv5t it doesn't work (same failure), I'll try with armv4t.
Nope, same result
Post by Luca Olivetti
FWIW this is the gdb session
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/luca/dspam/dspam-3.10.1+dfsg/src/.libs/dspam
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/libthread_db.so.1".
Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbefff714) at dspam.c:196
196       if (apply_defaults(&ATX)) {
(gdb) step
apply_defaults (ATX=0xbeffe758) at agent_shared.c:587
587     int apply_defaults(AGENT_CTX *ATX) {
(gdb) step
591       if (!(ATX->flags & DAF_FIXED_TR_MODE)) {
(gdb) step
592         char *v = _ds_read_attribute(agent_config, "TrainingMode");
(gdb) print agent_config
$1 = (config_t) 0x43fb98
(gdb) step
_ds_read_attribute (config=0x0, key=0x417f04 "TrainingMode") at
132       attribute_t attr = _ds_find_attribute(config, key);
Luca Olivetti
2021-08-19 10:20:01 UTC
Post by Luca Olivetti
Post by Luca Olivetti
Post by Arnd Bergmann
To confirm that this is the actual problem, can you try building the
package using '-O2 -march=armv4t' or '-O2 -march=armv5t' to
override the default 'armv5te'?
With -march=armv5t it doesn't work (same failure), I'll try with armv4t.
Nope, same result
Post by Luca Olivetti
FWIW this is the gdb session
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/luca/dspam/dspam-3.10.1+dfsg/src/.libs/dspam
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library
Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbefff714) at dspam.c:196
196       if (apply_defaults(&ATX)) {
(gdb) step
apply_defaults (ATX=0xbeffe758) at agent_shared.c:587
587     int apply_defaults(AGENT_CTX *ATX) {
(gdb) step
591       if (!(ATX->flags & DAF_FIXED_TR_MODE)) {
(gdb) step
592         char *v = _ds_read_attribute(agent_config, "TrainingMode");
(gdb) print agent_config
$1 = (config_t) 0x43fb98
(gdb) step
_ds_read_attribute (config=0x0, key=0x417f04 "TrainingMode") at
132       attribute_t attr = _ds_find_attribute(config, key);
Tried again with -O0 and in the last step "config" has the correct
address (though it is different than every previous run with -O2, where
it was consistently 0x43fb98)

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/luca/dspam/dspam-3.10.1+dfsg/src/.libs/dspam
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/libthread_db.so.1".

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbefff714) at dspam.c:196
196 if (apply_defaults(&ATX)) {
(gdb) step
apply_defaults (ATX=0xbeffe768) at agent_shared.c:587
587 int apply_defaults(AGENT_CTX *ATX) {
(gdb) step
591 if (!(ATX->flags & DAF_FIXED_TR_MODE)) {
(gdb) step
592 char *v = _ds_read_attribute(agent_config, "TrainingMode");
(gdb) print agent_config
$1 = (config_t) 0x449b98
(gdb) step
_ds_read_attribute (config=0x449b98, key=0x4229a0 "TrainingMode") at
132 attribute_t attr = _ds_find_attribute(config, key);

Luca Olivetti
2021-08-19 08:10:01 UTC
Post by Luca Olivetti
I then recompiled it with -O0 instead of the default -O2 and this time
it works (will try later with -O1).
Nope, with -O1 same failure.
