RFH: porting bolt-lmm
(too old to reply)
Nilesh Patra
2022-08-01 06:40:01 UTC
Dear arm porters,

I was trying to port bolt-lmm package, which currently builds only on
amd64, i386
and ppc to more archs - particularly arm. I am trying to workaround
SIMD intrinsics with the libsimde-dev (SIMDEverywhere package) - debian
wiki here[1]

I've committed the patch I used here[2]. Along with this, I had
added in "-DSIMDE_ENABLE_OPENMP -fopenmp-simd" to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS in
the box I built this in.

I am able to get it building on arm64 box, but it does
not seem to run the right way. It seems to trigger the bolt command
again while trying to
make initial guess - don't know why.
I used the same command as used in autopkgtest to test it out. You can
find the sample correct
output for this here[3]

Log pasted at the end of the e-mail. I'd appreciate any help.

[1]: https://wiki.debian.org/SIMDEverywhere

On arm64 box:-

$ ./bolt \
--bfile=EUR_subset \
--phenoFile=EUR_subset.pheno2.covars \
--exclude=EUR_subset.exclude2 \
--phenoCol=PHENO \
--phenoCol=QCOV1 \
--modelSnps=EUR_subset.modelSnps2 \
--reml \
| ___ |
| BOLT-LMM, v2.3.6 /_ / |
| October 29, 2021 /_/ |
| Po-Ru Loh // |
| / |

Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Harvard University.
Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 open source license.

Boost version: 1_74

Command line options:

./bolt \
--bfile=EUR_subset \
--phenoFile=EUR_subset.pheno2.covars \
--exclude=EUR_subset.exclude2 \
--phenoCol=PHENO \
--phenoCol=QCOV1 \
--modelSnps=EUR_subset.modelSnps2 \
--reml \

Setting number of threads to 2
fam: EUR_subset.fam
bim(s): EUR_subset.bim
bed(s): EUR_subset.bed

=== Reading genotype data ===

Total indivs in PLINK data: Nbed = 379
Total indivs stored in memory: N = 379
Reading bim file #1: EUR_subset.bim
Read 54051 snps
Total snps in PLINK data: Mbed = 54051
Reading exclude file (SNPs to exclude): EUR_subset.exclude2
Excluded 47959 SNP(s)
Reading list of SNPs to include in model (i.e., GRM):
WARNING: SNP has been excluded: rs2176153
WARNING: SNP has been excluded: rs77036651
WARNING: SNP has been excluded: rs189917831
WARNING: SNP has been excluded: rs76452819
WARNING: SNP has been excluded: rs77203822
Included 1331 SNP(s) in model in 2 variance component(s)
WARNING: 10420 SNP(s) had been excluded

Breakdown of SNP pre-filtering results:
1331 SNPs to include in model (i.e., GRM)
0 additional non-GRM SNPs loaded
52720 excluded SNPs
Allocating 1331 x 380/4 bytes to store genotypes
Reading genotypes and performing QC filtering on snps and indivs...
Reading bed file #1: EUR_subset.bed
Expecting 5134845 (+3) bytes for 379 indivs, 54051 snps
Total indivs after QC: 379
Total post-QC SNPs: M = 1331
Variance component 1: 660 post-QC SNPs (name: 'chr21')
Variance component 2: 671 post-QC SNPs (name: 'chr22')
Time for SnpData setup = 0.630153 sec

=== Reading phenotype and covariate data ===

Read data for 373 indivs (ignored 0 without genotypes) from:
Number of indivs with no missing phenotype(s) to use: 369
NOTE: Using all-1s vector (constant term) in addition to specified
Using quantitative covariate: CONST_ALL_ONES
Number of individuals used in analysis: Nused = 369
Singular values of covariate matrix:
S[0] = 19.2094
Total covariate vectors: C = 1
Total independent covariate vectors: Cindep = 1

=== Initializing Bolt object: projecting and normalizing SNPs ===

Number of chroms with >= 1 good SNP: 2
Average norm of projected SNPs: 368.000000
Dimension of all-1s proj space (Nused-1): 368
Time for covariate data setup + Bolt initialization = 0.0125201 sec

Phenotype 1: N = 369 mean = -0.000706532 std = 1.02606
Phenotype 2: N = 369 mean = 1.53117 std = 0.499705

=== Estimating variance parameters ===

=== Making initial guesses for phenotype 1 ===

Using 3 random trials

| ___ |
| BOLT-LMM, v2.3.6 /_ / |
| October 29, 2021 /_/ |
| Po-Ru Loh // |
| / |

Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Harvard University.
Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 open source license.

Boost version: 1_74

Command line options:


ERROR: Use exactly one of the --bfile, --bfilegz, or --fam,bim,bed input
Aborting due to error processing command line arguments
For list of arguments, run with -h (--help) option
Paul Wise
2022-08-02 04:30:01 UTC
Post by Nilesh Patra
I was trying to port bolt-lmm package, which currently builds only on
amd64, i386 and ppc to more archs - particularly arm. I am trying to
workaround amd64-specific SIMD intrinsics with the libsimde-dev
(SIMDEverywhere package) - debian wiki here[1]
I've committed the patch I used here[2].
Why do you enable SIMDE_ENABLE_NATIVE_ALIASES but also rename
everything to simde_*? Only one of those is needed. The idea of the
SIMDE_ENABLE_NATIVE_ALIASES define is that it lets you use SIMDe
without modifying the code, except for including the headers.
Post by Nilesh Patra
I am able to get it building on arm64 box, but it does
not seem to run the right way. It seems to trigger the bolt command
again while trying to make initial guess - don't know why.
I used the same command as used in autopkgtest to test it out.
Your patch should not have that effect, it is quite strange, I think
you are going to have to trace the execution of how exactly it gets
back into main() from elsewhere, probably using gdb or similar.

Nilesh Patra
2022-08-02 10:00:01 UTC
Post by Paul Wise
Post by Nilesh Patra
I was trying to port bolt-lmm package, which currently builds only on
amd64, i386 and ppc to more archs - particularly arm. I am trying to
workaround amd64-specific SIMD intrinsics with the libsimde-dev
(SIMDEverywhere package) - debian wiki here[1]
I've committed the patch I used here[2].
Why do you enable SIMDE_ENABLE_NATIVE_ALIASES but also rename
everything to simde_*? Only one of those is needed. [...]
I was trying different approaches, looks like I forgot to
properly clean up the patch before pushing :)
Post by Paul Wise
Post by Nilesh Patra
I am able to get it building on arm64 box, but it does
not seem to run the right way. It seems to trigger the bolt command
again while trying to make initial guess - don't know why.
I used the same command as used in autopkgtest to test it out.
Your patch should not have that effect, it is quite strange,
One thing that probably wasn't clear from my prev mail was that after applying
the patch, it runs _fine_ in amd64 machine and probably ppc too.
The strange log is from arm64 -- it does not run okay there.
Post by Paul Wise
I think
you are going to have to trace the execution of how exactly it gets
back into main() from elsewhere, probably using gdb or similar.
Well, yeah. I'll do so when I get more time.