Post by Alan CoreyThank you, it's not easy to find.
Type 'debian' into a search engine. Top hit is:
Big 'download' icon on top right. It's true that the big 'Download' button get you an x86_64 image. But clicking on
'other downloads' immediately below, gets you to:
Most of the images there are x86 too, except for the cloud ones. (We
should fix that for the next release) But if you click on 'small
installation image' or 'complete installation image' you get pages
with images for all the arches on, including arm64.
e.g. 'small installation image' gets you to with links for "Small CDs or
USB sticks"
I'm not convinced that that is really 'not easy to find', but I agree
it could be fewer clicks, and we have too heavy an emphasis on x86_64
for the modern age, and arm64 images should be on the 'other
downloads' page, so thanks for bringing that to our attention. With a
bit of luck someone will change it soon.
Principal hats: Debian, Wookware, ARM